Consumers are increasingly interested in eco-conscious packaging options: 72% of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable packaging, according to results of a survey from Accenture. 

With consumer demand for frozen food on the rise, and consumers seeking environmentally conscious packaging, brands need to invest in sustainable and innovative packaging solutions. 

Farnell Packaging provides a range of sustainable films, from fully recyclable plastic packaging to biodegradable materials, to polyethylene sourced from sugarcane. Our team works with everyone from food producers to private labels to find the ideal sustainable packaging option.

Frozen food brands can deliver stand-out packaging with Farnell’s recycle-ready packaging options, from pouches and rollstock to side-weld packaging. Zippers and closures can be added to all packaging to help keep your frozen food protected and give your packaging a premium feel. 

Farnell Packaging cares about matching you with the flexible packaging option that is best for your frozen food brand. Sugarcane, PCR films, and biodegradable films are available.

Bags on roll, sheets, and other packaging for processing and food service applications also available. Contact us for more information.